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Are you Depressed?










Can you relate to the following symptoms?












Depression; one of the most common mental health disorders in the U.S., is a mood disorder that causes persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest. All depressive disorders share a common feature (sad, empty, and irritable mood), accompanied by somatic and cognitive changes that affect an individual's capacity to function. 


Depression affects how you feel, think, and behave, and symptoms can range from mild, moderate, or severe. Depression affects your ability to function and interferes with normal day-to-day activities, including work, sleep patterns, and your relationships.


When my clients ask me to describe depression, I explain it this way; Depression is different from just “having a bad day” or “waking up on the wrong side of the bed” the sadness is ongoing, and unmanaged symptoms may increase over time. You cannot just “snap out of it.” You may have “good days” but the “bad days” outweigh the good days.

Thinking Man on Couch
  1. Sometimes I feel sad, and cannot snap out of it?

  2. I’m not excited about the future, and have nothing to look forward to?

  3. I feel like I’m a failure, and life has been difficult?

  4. I prefer to keep to myself, and don’t enjoy being around others?

  5. My mind is always racing, and I cannot control my thoughts or concentrate?

  6. It’s hard to fall asleep and when I do, I only sleep a couple hours each night?

  7. I sleep all the time and I don’t want to get out of bed, what’s the point?

  8. My energy level is low, and I’ve loss interest in doing things I once enjoyed?

  9. I am often irritable and more “moody” than usual?

  10. I have thoughts of dying or have thought about committing suicide?

  11. I just don’t feel like myself, I feel empty and hopeless?

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You are stronger than                you know.

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  Just as the ocean eventually

 calms, so will your challenges.

             Hang in there!

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The only power anyone has over you, is the power you                give them.

teddy bear and baby
You are STRONGER than you know!
beach rocks
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