Are you consumed by Anxiety?
Can you relate to the following symptoms?
Everyone gets nervous or anxious from time to time, however, when fear consumes you and affects your ability to function day-to-day and you begin to feel trapped or paralyzed in that fear, you may be suffering from an anxiety disorder.
Have you ever heard of the term ‘Fight or Flight’? Instead of getting into the scientific literature behind the term, I’ll simplify it; Let’s call it our ‘Internal Instinct or Threat Radar’. In theory, Fight or Flight heightens our awareness to potential danger, and plays a critical role in how we deal with that danger or threat.
Through our awareness, we instinctively prepare to either fight or flee what we deem as a real threat. Let me reiterate the last line of that sentence; “what we deem as a real threat” this is important to understand.
Our Fight or Flight response can be triggered due to both real and imaginary threats. What typically happens to a person who is always anxious or fearful, every situation can be viewed as a real threat, thus keeping you hypervigilant (edgy, overly alert) all the time, making it difficult for you to function calmly, or relax even when you’re in a safe environment.
I often feel nervous, extremely tense, or restless (unable to relax)?
It’s difficult for me to calm my thoughts, my mind is always racing?
I constantly feel as if something bad is going to happen?
Sometimes I find it difficult to breath and feel like I’m having a panic attack, or even worse, I feel like I’m having a heart attack?
I feel like I’m going “crazy”?
I don’t know how to relax or “calm down”?
I purposely avoid people or large crowds because I don’t want anyone to notice my anxiousness, I’m fearful of being embarrassed in public?
I try to relax and “take deep breathes” but that stuff doesn’t work for me, it’s hard to calm myself?
When I become anxious in-front of others, I want to run or make an excuse to leave the room?
Nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts unguarded
~Virtues of Life